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ETHICS AND INVESTMENT POLICY REMINDER: only a litle diary of my principal operation and idea.
lunedì 18 aprile 2016
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The “Constitutional Interregnum” - - *by New Deal democrat* Is there anything that can be done with a President who has the support of 1/3+ one member of the Senate? Since he can’t ...33 minuti fa
Dreaming of Retirement But Still Love Your Job? 4 Ways to Know It’s Finally Time to Leave - Lebron James is presently in his 22nd season in the NBA. He clearly loves what he does. With several NBA championship rings with different teams, he is p...45 minuti fa
The Weekly Trade Plan: Top Stock Ideas & In-Depth Execution Strategy – Week of March 10, 2025 - Traders, Let’s review my top ideas for the week. Of course, the market environment has shifted dramatically, favoring intraday moves rather than swing tr...1 ora fa
Top clicks this week on Abnormal Returns - Thanks for checking in with us this weekend. Here are the most clicked on items on Abnormal Returns for the week ended...2 ore fa
10 Sunday Reads - Avert your eyes! My Sunday morning look at incompetency, corruption and policy failures: • U.S. Economy Shows Signs of Strain From Trump’s Tariffs and Sp...4 ore fa
Tesla facilities face wave of attacks as Elon Musk delves into politics - In one case, a 40-year-old woman is accused of vandalizing a Tesla dealership in Colorado in five separate incidents in recent weeks. As Elon Musk attempts...5 ore fa
WEBINAR: Tuesday, March 11th at 8:30 am Mountain – Q&A - We hope you can join us for a webinar on Tuesday.10 ore fa
On Second Look: THE ROCKING HORSE WINNER (1949) Dir: Anthony Pelissier - Mrs. Grahame, faced with the prospect of having a bill collector stay in her home unless she produces 40£ to pay him off, goes to a ghetto neighborhood to ...11 ore fa
The Market Ticker - So Where Are The Filings? - Trump's Administration has finally taken notice of Rule 65(c) when it comes to Federal Courts. (c) Security. The court may issue a preliminary injunctio...23 ore fa
Jobs, from Bill Rafter - Despite what talking heads may say about Jobs and the current Non-Farm Payrolls Report, there are two items that suggest Recessionary times. The current (d...1 giorno fa
Jobs FRYday - This post goes out as an email to our subscribers every day and is posted for free here around 2 PM ET. To get your real-time copy, sign up for the free ...1 giorno fa
A Close Look at Diagonals - Correctly identifying an ending diagonal in real-time can be one of the most exciting (and rewarding!) market timing experiences you’ll ever have! In this ...1 giorno fa
Guesstimates on March 7, 2025 - *March S&P E-mini futures:* The long standing 6000 target was reached but the extension to 6500 now seems unlikely, at least for a while. Support below t...2 giorni fa
5 Little Stocks, 5 Big Payouts of 11%+ - If Trump 2.0 rhymes with Trump 1.0, then this is an intriguing time to consider small cap dividends. Let me explain—and then we’ll highlight a handful of...2 giorni fa
Market Recap 3/6/25 - Dow -427.51 at 42578.77, Nasdaq -483.48 at 18069.26, S&P -104.11 at 5738.52 he stock market returned to its downside trend after yesterday’s brief reprieve...2 giorni fa
A Great Example Of Coyote's Law in Action - The current version of Coyote's Law is something like this: Don't give the government a power that you would not like your worst political enemy to wield T...2 giorni fa
There is no 'leader of the free world' anymore. - *"There's no leader of the free world anymore. ...* *"[T]he Trump Administration's ... stupid trade war isn't about leverage to get other economi...2 giorni fa
AiM.TradeSize - This indicator study for TradeStation is designed to help traders determine an optimal position size for their trades based on risk management principles a...3 giorni fa
Identifying Themes in the Stock Market - *3/9/2025 - The most effective way to work on your trading is to identify themes in your P/L. Suppose you break down your P/L by market condition: ri...5 giorni fa
Ukraine, Europe, China and Technofeudalism – in conversation with Cyrus Janssen - Donald Trump has upended the narrative on the Ukraine War. But what does it mean for the future of Europe? Plus a lot more on NATO, China, the US dollar,...1 settimana fa
The Haiku of Finance for 02/28/25 - Trade war stock picking Find domestic trucking stocks No cross-border hauls1 settimana fa
Weekly Scoreboard* - *S&P 500 5,857.4 -2.6%* *Weekly Market Wrap* by Edward Jones. Indices - DJIA 43,296.5 -.5% - NASD...1 settimana fa
Average House Sale Price, 2015 to 2025 – Toronto Area - The chart represents the average sale price of houses in the Toronto area over time. In stock trading, this price pattern resembles a parabolic rise The ...2 settimane fa
This is our Testimonials page - This is our Testimonials page Always with current emails so you can verify them on your own settimane fa
Bootcamp in New Jersey - North Brunswick (Feb 2025) - Price: Non-Members price $1000 (members price$750) (cancellation fee $200) - Date: February 28—March 2, 2025 ...1 mese fa
The Most Important Chart In The World Part 3 Withheld Taxes - Continuing with out end of year series of The Most Important Charts In the World-You can see part one with the USD and SP500/World ex-US stock ratio here a...2 mesi fa
Morning News: December 3, 2024 - Welcome to the Post-American New World Disorder Will Trump’s Dollar Diplomacy Roil Global Trade? China Targets Critical Metals in Tit-for-Tat Response to U...3 mesi fa
POOF! Goodbye iBankCoin - Seventeen years ago a much younger Fly took to the internets with the intent to change the way people talked … The post POOF! Goodbye iBankCoin appeared ...4 mesi fa
Issues Associated with the Current Election - Picture Credit: derek visser (modified to exclude extraneous comments) || Trump and Harris are more similar than different. Both favor the rich, they lie, ...4 mesi fa
Short Squeezes & Earnings Releases - Well, it should be another fun week ahead, full of short squeezes and earnings reports. $NVDA is the big one …9 mesi fa
GOOG Swing trade short & long trade - Current trading position: a swing trade short fade in Google's stock (GOOG). *Entry Strategy:* I initiated the trade by entering at the low of the bar, ...1 anno fa
Bonds And Money - The US bond market is getting hammered lately as investors and traders realize that (a) the economy is not collapsing and (b) the Fed will keep rates hig...1 anno fa
Some Links - (Don Boudreaux) TweetWriting in the Wall Street Journal, NYU physicist Steven Koonin reports on how the Biden White House inadvertently told the truth abou...1 anno fa
Understanding the Modern Monetary System – Updated! - It’s been over 10 years since I published Understanding the Modern Monetary System, one of the most widely read papers in the SSRN research database. I pub...1 anno fa
A Few Quick Announcements - By James As I wrote a couple of years ago, I don’t post here anymore. I just have a couple of updates for people who subscribe and may be interested in my ...1 anno fa
STOCK REPORT RESULT: (734 days) (14 Stocks) (Mixed Sectors) ** 17/02/2023 ** - [image: Nasdaqpazzo Report 17-02-2023] Download PDF File - This "State of Art" financial blog is frequently updated and is an useful resource for Scalpe...2 anni fa
Sir…About Those Bonds…And Twitter Chaos? - [image: Sir…About Those Bonds…And Twitter Chaos?] Tensions are high. Someone threw a beer can at Ted Cruz yesterday. Twitter tensions are very high as wel...2 anni fa
22 years of Trading: A Twitter Thread Worth Reading [2022] - An excellent Twiitter thread shared by an experienced trader. Worth reading for both experienced and new traders alike.2 anni fa
Asset Class and Factor Premium Performances Across Inflation Regimes [PREMIUM] - How should investors reposition portfolios across inflationary regimes (deflation, low inflation, mild inflation, high inflation)? In their July 2022, pa...2 anni fa
Growth Companies – Getting What You Want - What do the growth companies in your field have in common? How are they doing so well and what can you learn from them? Growth companies usually make a pro...2 anni fa
List 15: Amusement Park Clipart Black And White - Amusement Park Black White Images Stock Photos Vectors Shutterstock Amusement Park Black White Images Stock Photos Vectors Shutterstock Amusement Park ...3 anni fa
Episode #361: Jeff Hooke, Johns Hopkins, “The Buyout Business…Has Not Outperformed The Public Stock Markets For The Last 10 or 15 Years” - Episode #361: Jeff Hooke, Johns Hopkins, “The Buyout Business…Has Not Outperformed The Public Stock Markets For The Last 10 or 15 Years” Gu...3 anni fa
VODKAPUNDIT PRESENTS YOUR WEEKLY INSANITY WRAP: The Biden-China-Oil Connection. “Instead of moving o… - VODKAPUNDIT PRESENTS YOUR WEEKLY INSANITY WRAP: The Biden-China-Oil Connection. “Instead of moving oil around, the DC-CCP pipeline transports money and inf...3 anni fa
Blog Post Title - What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert. Use your c...3 anni fa
Raising the Caution Flag - For many years it has been difficult to remain bullish. We have faced political uncertainty, deficit and debt concerns, meteoric valuations as well as trad...3 anni fa
Software Antivirus Terbaik 2 - *Software Antivirus Terbaik 2* – Beberapa perkiraan menunjukkan bahwa antara 50 dan 75% orang Amerika telah menjadi korban peretas. Potongan informasi fa...3 anni fa
Dogecoin: Will It Break $1? - Will it break above $1?. That’s the question millions of crypto watchers are asking now. Dogecoin may be on your watch list, too. After all, its 9000%+ r...3 anni fa
SO WHAT'S NEXT - Just a list. Not too complicated, but time to think about the next few months. We're in the "Quickening"......"the Fourth Turning"..... basically we'r...4 anni fa
👉Will There Be A Recession In 2021 And Economic Collapse ? - 👉Will There Be A Recession In 2021 And Economic Collapse ? What’s going to happen to the economy in 2021? The World Bank Group is painting a grim economic...4 anni fa
Best Forex Robot Free download ! Full Demo Version ! - Goldbull PRO EA is an innovative FX Expert Advisor created by professional traders, which has been put into action hundreds4 anni fa
New Hedge Fund Newsletter Just Released - The new Q4 issue of our hedge fund newsletter is now available. It reveals the latest portfolios of 25 top hedge funds and also features summaries of 2 st...5 anni fa
Is Value Cheap Enough To Buy? - by Hubert Marleau, Chief Investment Strategist, Palos Management Coming into the new year, I envisaged a reflation scenario buttressing value stocks driven...5 anni fa
nifty view - breakdown from expanding triangle on daily. financial market technicals by abhay r somkuwar.5 anni fa
Do Higher Wages Mean Higher Standards of Living? - Editor's note: We have updated macroblog's location on our website, although archival posts will remain at their original location. Readers who use RSS sho...5 anni fa
Stocks to Watch 2020 - I posted an abbreviated list of “Stocks to Watch 2020” on January 1st prior to completing my detailed analysis but now it is complete and pasted below. All...5 anni fa
Brainteasers From My Dad - When my sister and I were little, our Dad would challenge us with riddles and word games. I mentioned three in my eulogy for Dad: 1. Imagine a two-volume d...5 anni fa
Jobs Data: A Trumped Up Jobs Report - This is just par for the course. This is the same type of numbers that we've been getting under ... *READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON THE NEW WEBSITE SCHIFF ON THE...5 anni fa
Financial Markets Will Move To Asia - Chicago, they invented the Soybean futures contracts. But now, China uses more soybeans than ... *READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE ON THE NEW WEBSITE: JIM ROGE...5 anni fa
US nonfarm employment prediction using RIWI Corp. alternative data - *Introduction* The monthly US nonfarm payroll (NFP) announcement by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is one of the most closely watched ...5 anni fa
FRIDAY UPDATE - After FOMC as predicted event, Price create new opportunity for a small shorts. If London session price go up fast then it is confirmed a good chance to ...5 anni fa
5G Powerhouse Keysight Technologies KEYS – Jesse Livermore Century Mark Stock Trading Rule - Tonight I will introduce you to a stock that is developing into a 5G Powerhouse. The stock is a recent addition to the focused watch list available for Tis...5 anni fa
Can JPM Hit 52-Week Highs This Week? - Remember the slaughter in financials on the back of low yields? Well, with the bonds reversing, all the banks are now taking a big run up. J.P. Morgan, the...5 anni fa
The Argentina Siren Song And Where Else It Is Sung - I’m back! After an extended leave of absence I’ve decided to start writing again. Let’s start with a story familiar to those that read MM in my first ter...5 anni fa
Mind the Gap? Rethinking the Investor Gap Equation - Morningstar released the latest version of Mind the Gap, an annual piece which shares with its readers analysis that "measures the costs of bad timing". I...5 anni fa
[Video] Bloomberg TV: Reports from Facebook and Tesla - Back from 5 weeks in Asia, I joined Bloomberg TV yesterday afternoon to discuss the Tesla and Facebook reports. Tesla — anni fa
TGIF, Kamala Harris, Netflix, Taco Bell... - - Looks to me like Kamala Harris will be the eventual winner of the Democratic Primary. - One worrying economic sign reared up this morning, as ...5 anni fa
Horrifying! The Jesuit Fourth Vow or the Blood Oath to Rome Catholic Church Universal - Anna Von Reits Gave oath to this church - *Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I decided to post this to expose to all the readers the foundation of many evil doers on our land. This is ev...5 anni fa
Ghayur et al., Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners - *Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners* by Khalid Ghayur, Ronan G. Heaney, and Stephen C. Platt (Wiley, 2019) is, according to the publ...5 anni fa
Is interest rates about to start going up? - Yes, I know - it does not make any sense - FED is about to cut rates...but....real world interest rates are not always what FED wants it to be.5 anni fa
WEEK 20 MAY TO 24 TH MAY - Markets drifted to near 11100 zone to rise in the last 2 days on short covering towards the 11500 zone leading to the results week. Positions are light d...5 anni fa
Ceterum autem censeo Twiterinem esse delendam - The fresco is housed in a room that is small, but quite ornate. Four corner-anchored medallions define the lower-than-expected ceiling's borders. Though ...5 anni fa
My Last Suggestions for Improving - This will be my last blog. I’ll keep the site open until at least June 2019. So, I thought, what would be a suitable topic? I came up with: The two most ...5 anni fa
💿 How To Download Goat Full Movie - 📽️ 123Movies!Watch Goat Online For Free (2018) Stream Full Movie 🎆 [image: Schauen Goat On-line Streaming] Goat (2016) Release : 2016-09-23 Genre : Dra...5 anni fa
Jamie Dimon Acts Very Presidential While Announcing Worst JPMorgan Quarter In Years - He's definitely not not running.6 anni fa
Are These Stocks Naughty or Nice? - At any given moment, our Smart Scan technology is finding stocking-stuffer worthy stocks and big old lumps of coal! As a MarketClub member, it takes only...6 anni fa
Don’t be Fooled by the Pullback in the Dollar Because…. - Don’t be fooled by the pullback in the U.S. dollar today because the greenback could still strengthen further before the end of the year. Nearly all of the...6 anni fa
Twitter Is Struggling but Jack Dorsey’s Other Company Is Nearing an All-Time High - Square's ascent has come thanks to a combination of an expansion into multiple financial services and a pivot into cryptocurrency.6 anni fa
Prediction Markets and the Kelly Criterion, Part 5 - Perhaps the most famous proponent of the Kelly Criterion is Edward Thorp. He founded the M.I.T. Blackjack Club, published various papers on gambling and ...6 anni fa
Has The Bear Arrived? - I initiated defensive action in client accounts today with a small purchase. You can read about the trade and my reasoning as to why I believe the odds tha...6 anni fa
Why The Next Oil Boom Will Be Fueled By Blockchain - As blockchain tech works its way into every industry across the globe, it seems that the multi-trillion-dollar oil industry is finally on board7 anni fa
Stock trading and investing using volume price analysis – full color version - Stock Trading & Investing Using Volume Price Analysis – full color version In this book of over 200 worked examples for stock traders and investors, you wi...7 anni fa
Corporate ETFs and Risk Appetite - Via Bloomberg : Bond ETFs Awash in Pain May Be Red Flag for Risk Appetite (1) 2018-01-22 14:56:05.415 GMT By Dani Burger and Sid Verma (Bloomberg) — U.S. c...7 anni fa
Penny Stock Share Price - Contents That find stocks Investments should you Its true value General electric co. stock Stock screeners are automated online tools that find stocks th...7 anni fa
Hannity Promises To Expose CNN & NBC News In "EpicFail" - *"Tick tock."* In a mysterious tweet yesterday evening to his *3.19 million followers,* Fox News' Sean Hannity offered a preview of what is to come from ...7 anni fa
Top 25+ Custom Software Development Companies 2017 - This article is published in collaboration with Scutify, where you can find real-time markets a7 anni fa
Live tweeting the Friday Night Dump - We are now offering a subset of our Pro data via Twitter. Find out more by clicking here: anni fa
3rd Combine PASSED! - This one is significantly different as it was completed with my partner. To get the lowdown on why I've decided to go the route of working in a trading...7 anni fa
TECHNICIANS' DELIGHT - Thanks be to Barron's for their reportage, and a tip of the hat to Sam Stoval of CFRA (much to the displeasure of his papa - Robert, I'm sure) ,and Vito Ra...7 anni fa
In 2017 Square Inc Shares are up 100% - [image: Bull Wall St Stockmasters Logo] Missed the boat on this one You know *Square Inc (SQ)*. That modern day easy process of buying beers at a startup ...7 anni fa
Trend profile - SPDR S&P Metals & Mining ETF $XME - Stock prices tend to move in trending patterns. This is a simple idea that may, or may not be supported by evidence. It really depends on how you frame th...7 anni fa
An intermediate term drop that will dwarf most bearish projections - It's been a while since my last post. I have been waiting for the blow off rally to run its course. Before the presidential election, SPX tested our downsi...7 anni fa
Those Whom The Gods Wish To Destroy ... - they first make mad. Still true!!! *(Note: this post, and probably several others to follow, are actually about the US dollar and relative currency trends....8 anni fa
The Progressive Case for Abolishing the Corporate Income Tax - Reform of the corporate income tax is shaping up to be one of the big issues facing Congress in 2017. Republicans are pushing for big cuts in the corpora...8 anni fa
Inaugural #AskPaulAnything Episode 1: Exits, Risk Management, Intraday and Deliberate Practice - In my inaugural episode of #AskPaulAnything, I talk about the the difficulty of stock trading exit strategy and how to simply the process, risk management,...8 anni fa
Viper Energy Shows How Not to Win Over New Shareholders - It's prudent that prospective shareholders invest time in due diligence before taking the plunge and purchasing shares or units in any company. This invest...8 anni fa
Bank of England Speeds Through Bond Buys - Two weeks after buying its first corporate bond, the Bank of England has already spent over 10% of the funds allocated to its 18 month asset-buying program.8 anni fa
September Update - As with July, trading failed to get my attention in August. I had a couple of trades, trying to force myself to take interest, but inevitably they ended u...8 anni fa
Wisconsin in Last Place for Start-up Activity - The Kauffman Foundation has just released its report on startup activity. Wisconsin comes in last place in startup density. Figure 1: Source: Kauffman Foun...8 anni fa
Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat Dalam 1 Hari - Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat Dalam 1 Hari adalah adalah hal yang paling sensitif bagi kaum muda, terutama kaum wanita. Perawatan Wajah memang perlu dil...8 anni fa
Penggunaan dan Keuntungan Hollow Core Slab - Pada pembangunan gedung-gedung yang memiliki banyak lantai pasti kaan diperlukan waktu dan biaya yang sangta lama. Selain itu juga dapat membutuhkan banyak...8 anni fa
By: Book Review : Selling Cash-Secured Puts by Alan Ellman – My Option Journey - […] […]9 anni fa
Goodbye Blogger, Hello WordPress: Mish's GlobalEconomicAnalysis has Moved to MishTalk.Com - It's been a long run, but I am leaving Google Blogger for a new home on WordPress. Please bookmark my new site: Why Leave? My needs...9 anni fa
A rally in a bear market, or a correction in a bull? - It was another crazy week, but this one ended much better than the last two. Today, the broader markets ended higher for a second day. More importantly oil...9 anni fa
Collection Agencies Can Now Receive Credit Card Payments - Basically all accounts receivable management businesses are seen as being really high risk by credit card processors and companies. This is because of the ...9 anni fa
Rey Gitano (2015) Streaming in hd - Release Rey Gitano in HD Format. Now you can see Rey Gitano in HD quality with duration Min and was published in 2015-07-10 and MPAA rating is 0. - *O...9 anni fa
TWITTER KILLED MY BLOG!!! ~ $TWTR @BuyOnTheDip - *BOTD* on Twitter @BuyOnTheDip *BUY ON THE DIP 2015* Subscribe to BuyOnTheDip.com9 anni fa
- Koch Brothers Plan to Fund 'Several' GOP 2016 Presidential Hopefuls - anni fa
Historic Chart of the Day - Based on today's Census Bureau report on April retail sales, consumer spending at "*Food Services and Drinking Places*" (restaurants and bars, see red li...9 anni fa
The VIX® – A Rear-View Mirror Or Crystal Ball - My insights have always been – and will probably be – offered for free, but if the information provided is helpful for your own trading business, any donat...10 anni fa
Things to Consider in Setting Money Management Rules – Part 2: RISK TOLERANCE - In setting a suitable money management, you should also consider the maximum drawdown you are willing to accept, which depend on your risk tolerance. In t...10 anni fa
Somebody accurately called the oil bear market... - I'm not trying to brag or anything here, but I called it. And it just goes to show for the fundamentalists among us, that we might have to wait a little lo...10 anni fa
Tying Loose Ends at 2014 End: #Fukushima I NPP R4 SFP Emptied, STAP Was Outright Fraud, Potential Radioactive Leak in Ukraine - All fuel assemblies - 1331 used and 202 new - in the Spent Fuel Pool of Reactor 4 at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant have been moved out of the pool. Most...10 anni fa
Why Active OR Passive? - “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others” Winston Churchill Not sure if it’s me, or the bull market, but the passive>active ...10 anni fa
Invest2Success Blog Moved to - *We have moved our blog articles to your main website now. Click Here to go to the Invest2Success SiteOnce your at the website, click the links on t...10 anni fa
The investment performance of REITs - This graph shows the investment performance of real estate investment trusts over the past decade. As you can see, they plunged during the housing crash, b...10 anni fa
Time To Say Goodbye - I want to thank everyone who has been reading 'In The Money' over the years. It has been over 9 years that I have been writing daily market commentary. B...10 anni fa
How To Time Your Contrarian Trades – Free Webinar - This Thursday, we're co-hosting a free "trading training" webinar with our colleagues at Our goal is to teach you how to use a few simple...10 anni fa
A look at S&P 500 after a lonf time - Welcome back! (Or should I say welcome *me* back?) Yes dear readers, after a long pause I am here once again with my analysis and let me start with five ...10 anni fa
The Top Five Stocks I Am Watching Right Now - Although the S&P and Dow might say otherwise, the market has been in a downtrend/correction for almost two months now. For some reason, however, I am a bi...10 anni fa
Seymour Hersh Claims Chemical Attack in Syria Was False Flag - Notice how the narrative on Syria has shifted away from last year’s deadly sarin gas attack? The one that occurred days after UN weapons inspectors arrived...10 anni fa
S&P 500 Bearish Signal This Week - Trader positioning continued to get more bearish across most equities and commodities, according to the latest Commitments of Traders report released Frida...10 anni fa
Specialty Coffee Association of America - Once you’ve entered the world of coffee, eventually you will hear about the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). So what is it and why is it imp...10 anni fa
Double Top on Rubbermaid $NWL - Quick post - just saw this chart and looked like an ideal time to go short. ------------------------------ ShiftCTRL Group11 anni fa
Focus Turns to UK as IMF Revises Growth in Embarrassing About Turn - [Via guest blogger Andy Alpari] Last Wednesday saw many investors focus on UK after several days of concentrating entirely on America. As the deadline fo...11 anni fa
Big Wave Trading Portfolio Update And Top Current Holdings - Aloha everyone. The Big Wave Trading model is in a mixed variety of signals, with the Nasdaq currently under a BUY signal, the SP500 and Russell 2000 are u...11 anni fa
Interview with a Dollar Bull - Interview with a Dollar Bull By Teresa Bell I recently sat down with Jay Norris in Chicago to ask him a few questions about the current markets. Teresa: “J...11 anni fa
Gold Stocks - All Perspective Has Been Lost - Many recent published commentaries appear to have lost perspective on the now much-hated Gold stock sector. The fact of the matter is that, technically, t...11 anni fa
Economic Evolution: Robots Taking Human Jobs - ▲ ▲ ▲ [image: Industrial robots cooperating on the job] Industrial robots cooperating on the job. Economic evolution has become robots taking human jobs. A...11 anni fa
From TGIF to TGIM to Thank God it’s Today - I can remember when I lived for the weekends – Fridays were by far my favorite day of the week.  5 days a week I existed and only truly lived 2 days. Â...11 anni fa
Stopping updates of all-time high stocks - Hi, I’ve decided to stop updating this site with the all-time high and all-time low stocks. was the first website to offer these lists for fr...11 anni fa
Living and Learning with Investment Advice - *Living and Learning with Investment Advice* *We are born as innocents. We are polluted by advice*. - Henry David Thoreau *TipRanks* was not started as a ...11 anni fa
Warrants Update - So long I didn't post. If you didn't notice, all new warrants are up to date for KLSE and HKSE market. For your information, I have just updated the warran...12 anni fa
College Graduates Are The New Debt Slaves - With the average cost of attending college in America at $120,000, a family of four should expect their children’s college to cost more than a home. Yet...12 anni fa
On the Revisions to Basel III’s Liquidity Requirements - So the Basel Committee finally released its revisions to the all-important Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), which I have written about at length. Most of th...12 anni fa
Mr. Abe’s Trigger - *Prime Minister Shinzō Abe* The newly elected Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzō Abe, has caused quite a stir. The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, whi...12 anni fa
More Fed Meetings; Gold and Silver Remain “Cheap” | CAMI - Please click below: More Fed Meetings; Gold and Silver Remain “Cheap” | CAMI12 anni fa
Spooky crude oil again - I am not God, I am not a crook : I will never pretend I can catch any given move from the beginning to its end. Never believe a guy who says such a non-s...12 anni fa
Lying with Statistics: the September Jobs Report - The 'Helicopter Economics Investing Guide' is meant to help educate people on how to make profitable investing choices in the current economic environmen...12 anni fa
Politics.... - To be honest... I Fucking Love Politics. I said earlier in the year. "We may not get what we Want out of our politicians, but we certainly get what we Dese...12 anni fa
Stock Market Performance, September 2012 - The chart below compares some of the bourses around the world since the most recent major market bottom (March 2009). Winners: - Singapore Strait Time...12 anni fa
Before the Open - Aug 29 - Today's *Before the Open* This week's *Economic Numbers* and *Earnings* *ChartBook / ETFs* by *Jason* at *Leavitt Brothers*12 anni fa
MOSAIC Now Live - The Mosaic Project is now complete and the newsletter is active. Mosaic is actually several different programs depending on the preferred risk/reward pro...12 anni fa
Turning the Games into Gold - Everyone will have fun and games except the British taxpayer12 anni fa
Final Post, Again - In the face of calamity after calamity, more wars than we can count and the face of hunger in hand with an ever depreciating currency looming as the next ...12 anni fa
Using Yahoo Free EOD Data - Yahoo is an excellent source for free End of Day (EOD) data but it comes with some issues from time to time. Since Yahoo is not providing a true data servi...12 anni fa
Goldman Sachs comes late to the game - The Financial Times ran a story Monday about Goldman Sachs becoming the first big dealer to orient its business around electronic fixed-income trading and ...12 anni fa
TZA short, POT long - Simple bear flag formation. Short on the break of 3rd candle low. I Like red, green, red bar for a short when the low is taken out but instead if it takes ...13 anni fa
Occupy Wall Street - Marine vs 30 Cops - Speaking of the police. Here is a link to a video of a soldier - in uniform - protesting the treatment of demonstrators by the police. http://perezhilton....13 anni fa
New Avid Trader Home - All articles have been moved to We have a whole new look! We hope you enjoy all the new infomation on Avid Trader!13 anni fa
My Email To Steve Jobs - I actually wrote an email to Steve Jobs yesterday ( He will be missed. I'm sorry that I ever doubted you, Steve. I always felt that Apple ...13 anni fa
Obama’s vague Buffett Rule a political ploy - A few thoughts on the economics and politics of President Obama’s tax-the-rich “Buffett Rule” and new debt reduction “plan”: 1) What problem does the Buffe...13 anni fa
Out of the Money Calendar Spreads - This is a guest post by Derek Devore, an experienced options trader. Find out more about his OptionBoost Video Training Program at O...13 anni fa
Why Argentina is an Economic Basket Case, Reason #2,562,976 - I'm taking a break from taking a break posting to put up this article from the Wall Street Journal. Some countries just cannot resist loading all the chamb...13 anni fa
Over and Out - This is my last post here for a while now. I might return later but I might not as well. I thought foreign exchange is my thing but analyzing what I have d...13 anni fa
Cullen Roche: Profit Margin Compression - "With earnings season largely finished we are beginning to generate some solid conclusions. One persistent trend this earnings season has been margin compr...13 anni fa
Backup Mon March 21 - is back up and content is available for subscribers, thanks for your patience.13 anni fa
Should losers from free trade be compensated? - It's been a while... far too long. Suffice to say that my day job has been keeping me very busy this year and has made blogging difficult. I want to rect...14 anni fa
Herding, Risk Appetite & Complacency Somewhat "Elevated"....... - Just in time after the fastest 100 percent run of the S&P 500 ever....From a risk/reward standpoint this should at least raise some eyebrows......Especiall...14 anni fa
My Blog Has Moved to the Stocktwits Network - Thank you for visiting. My Blog has moved to and is now a part of the Stocktwits Network. We have moved all of our content into the arch...14 anni fa
Best Stocks For 2011: Let the Money “Stream” to You - Remember those days? Yeah I’m sure you do. Remember digging through your 5 foot tall stereo cabinet looking for “Weekend At Bernies”? Those days are gon...14 anni fa
Friday, September 25, 1931: Dow 107.79 -8.20 (7.1%) - *British crisis update:* *Sterling continued *to decline, opening at $3.91 and sagging to $3.81 (vs. $4.10 on Wed. and $4.85 the previous week); rest of t...14 anni fa
The List: - - *Allman Brothers* - *Wishbone Ash* - *Jeff Beck* - *Peter Green - Fleetwood Mac* - Fleetwood Mac Live at Carousel Ballroom 1968 - Fl...14 anni fa
And Now Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming… - *Deprecated*: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in */home/traders/public_html/wp-includes/functions-formatt...14 anni fa
MORNING LINKS - Futures were ramping last night on the heels of the news of the Irish accepting a bailout to the tune of 100B Euros- and the EURO was smoking and the doll...14 anni fa
Chrome - Rosso, ebraismo, saturno, sabato (satur day, giorno di saturno). Giallo, cristianesimo, sole, domenica (sun day, giorno del sole). Verde, islam, venere, v...14 anni fa
The End of Market Rewind - On Airs, Waters & Places - Well, it's not quite *that *dramatic.... However, after three years and well over a kilobyte of posts here* (1,026 to be exact)*, it's time to raise our ...14 anni fa
CHARTS GONE WILD!!! - The wait is over. I have my own site at, powered by the Stocktwits Network. Stop by and take a peek.14 anni fa
Why Do All Good Things Come To An End - When I first started trading I really was illprepared. I had done my research via and learned patterns etc, but what I failed to realize,...14 anni fa
New blog - Henceforth I will be posting on my new blog FnG blog will remain active for archival purposes.14 anni fa
Sabbatical From Trading - As you may have noticed the past few months, my trading has really been waning. I decided a couple weeks ago that I needed to take a real break from tradin...14 anni fa
Kickoff! – Nov. 19 - Minute Degree Tops are usually Structures; bottoms are usually Spikes. A Top in process will take days to form and can seem to take forever for a Swing Tra...15 anni fa
Low Volume Melt Up - *FN:* On the way down there is volume. On the way up, there is less... waaaay less (especially for this time of the year). Can you say algos? So what does...15 anni fa
There's no road with out turnings - Sorry for the long silence and any inconvenience that may have caused. Last 10 days have been quite adventurous for me. Cutting the long story short, it st...15 anni fa
August 24th Blogger Sentiment Poll - There are more bulls than bears in this week's poll. Blogger Sentiment Poll Participants: 24/7 Wall St (N) Carl Futia (+) Dash of Insight (+) Elliot Wave L...15 anni fa
Gone but not Forgotten - I apologize for slacking off on my writing time over the past two months but I went from no work to way too much work in a very short amount of time. Went ...15 anni fa
MOMO1 has buys for tomorrow… - I’ll be posting the monthly results for the strategies in short order. Suffice to say they all did well – not exactly shocking in this rally – you really ...15 anni fa
More weakness ? - On Friday morning, the short term scenario is not optimistic. Overnight, American markets have fallen, with the Dow at a six year low. if the Nifty were to...16 anni fa
10 Questions for Life - 1) Do you know where and how much money you spend every month? 2) Do you have any savings? 3) Do you pay off your credit card every month? 4) Do you know ...16 anni fa
Eveillard part of gold roundtable - The second hour of this week's Financial Sense Online has a Gold Roundtable. Among the participants is Jean-Marie Eveillard along with James Turk and other...17 anni fa
Elliott Wave Free Week - News from Elliott Wave International: Specialty Services US Stocks Forecasts Free Week at is just around the corner! Elliott Wave Internati...19 anni fa
Daily Webinars & Video Updates1 settimana fa
Last chance to subscribe2 anni fa
Downloading data from Polygon6 anni fa
Test photo teddington7 anni fa
Hello world!7 anni fa
EUR/USD Weekly Outlook8 anni fa
Yves on the Trump Trade8 anni fa
September Update8 anni fa
A Word on Trade execution9 anni fa
Blended (2014) HD10 anni fa
Friday Charts11 anni fa
Webinar 2 INDICATORS in MQL511 anni fa
Results11 anni fa
Forex Session11 anni fa
ユーロドル5分足の続き12 anni fa
USDJPY Down trend12 anni fa
Horriday Trading13 anni fa
This Blog Has Moved14 anni fa
$USD updates15 anni fa
Happy New Year15 anni fa
Asia - An Astonishing Rebound15 anni fa
Tops are processes - I sounded a warning in late January about a possible long-term market top, based on a negative divergence of the 14-month RSI. It wasn’t a “sell everything...20 ore fa
Markets rise after jobs report and Powell's speech - Dow finished up 222 in choppy trading, advancers over decliners about 4-3 & NAZ went up 126. The MLP index rebounded 6+ to the 316s & the REIT index add...1 giorno fa
Blog Post: Day 8 of $QQQ short term down-trend; 28 US new highs, 81 lows and 5 at ATH; I will resist the inevitable sudden bear market bounces and remain safely in cash. - IndicatorsGMI: 0/6GMI-2: 2/9T2108: 26%With the Wall Street Journal talking about a possible depression and the ominous technical picture I see, it is bes...2 giorni fa
Chart Pattern Indicator: What's the Reading? - Bulkowski describes what indicators say. Posted: 4-Mar-25 16:51:37.2 giorni fa
Near-term gloom, long-term boom - Sorry for my prolonged absence. I had some minor health issues that are now behind me, and more recently I've enjoyed a few weeks skiing at Deer Valley wit...3 giorni fa
Gold still broadly climbing - The precious metals of Gold and Silver saw net February changes of +$13.50 (0.5%) to $2848.50, and -$0.77 (2.4%) to $31.50 respectively. Gold, monthly1b...1 settimana fa
WILL TRUMP TIGHTEN THE SCREWS ON CAPITAL? - Donald Trump wants to right-size trade with other countries. He is hell bent on removing the trade deficit. To Trump, a trade deficit is a sign of economic...1 settimana fa
How Technology is Revolutionizing Money Management and Investments - In a world where everything seems to be at our fingertips, technology has dramatically transformed the way we handle money and approach investments. Whethe...2 settimane fa
Sold Alibaba For 51% Gain. - This morning, I sold half of my investment in Alibaba for a 51% capital gain.It has been a long time since I last did any trading and this was a pretty nic...2 settimane fa
Retracement strategy, a must for traders. - * Trading strategy* that works wonders besides the supports & Resistance is "*Retracement strategy*": The strategy that has worked consistently well with...4 settimane fa
Consistent Profitability with Just one Order Flow Trade - There are myriads of ways traders get to CP. One of these ways could be by finding just one good setup that repeats itself many times a day in the perio...4 settimane fa
Earnings for the Week of Jan 27th to Jan 31, 2025 - Earnings for the next week. Some big names. Thanks A-Eye Monday, January 27, 2025: Before Market Open: AT&T Inc. (T) SoFi Technologie...1 mese fa
Bootcamp in New Jersey - North Brunswick (Feb 2025) - Price: Non-Members price $1000 (members price$750) (cancellation fee $200) - Date: February 28—March 2, 2025 ...1 mese fa
11 January 2025 - The timing lines are gathered here, and the 5th wave target has been met. The losses over the past few weeks could be a 4th wave correction or the begin...1 mese fa
Getting More Out of Your Face RF & Skin Laser Session - Face RF and Skin Lasers Advanced aesthetic treatments such as laser therapies and Face RF (radiofrequency) sessions have revolutionized skin rejuvenation...2 mesi fa
BMR Evening Alert! - The biggest economic and investment theme of 2025 – and how you can make fortunes…2 mesi fa
Ho, Ho, Ho, We’re in the Santa Claus Rally - The Santa Claus Rally refers to a seasonal stock market trend where prices increase during the last five trading days of December and the first two of Ja...2 mesi fa
ERROR: Database error: Table './rss/feeds' is marked as crashed and should be repaired at /var/www/html/ line 1657. -2 mesi fa
Finding Winning Trades Just Got Easier - "The trend is your friend" is the most coveted renet among pro traders. Our friends at INO have introduced a great free tool that allows the average main...4 mesi fa
Short Squeezes & Earnings Releases - Well, it should be another fun week ahead, full of short squeezes and earnings reports. $NVDA is the big one …9 mesi fa
Usa, speaker della Casa Bianca Mc Carthy ordina indagine formale per impeachment di Joe Biden - Le accuse mosse a carico dell'attuale presidente degli Stati Uniti da parte dello speaker della Camera si riferiscono in primis ai loschi affari all'estero...1 anno fa
Gold, Silver and the Fourth Turning-How It Plays Out - “We have gold because we can’t trust governments” Herbert Hoover If you know who Neil Howe is then you likely know that western societies are now well into...1 anno fa
Silent Killers of Stock and Bond Investors 50+ - Recently I was shocked after speaking with five different investors on the phone. These investors have been involved in the markets for many years, and t...2 anni fa
Swing Trade Ideas for the coming week - Apologies for the lack of blog updates in the past couple of weeks. I will try to be more consistent in posting but make no promises. Managing family time ...2 anni fa
Web3 Security Services to Safeguard Your Application - More and more Web3 security services are coming to the market, offering various security and risk management solutions for protocols and users. Audit teams...2 anni fa
What if Deutsche Bank Derivatives Bubble suddenly Implodes into a Financial Black Hole - What if Deutsche Bank Derivatives Bubble suddenly Implodes into a Financial Black Hole Deutsche Bank Derivatives Bubble sudden...2 anni fa
What if Deutsche Bank Derivatives Bubble suddenly Implodes into a Financial Black Hole - What if Deutsche Bank Derivatives Bubble suddenly Implodes into a Financial Black Hole Deutsche Bank Derivatives Bubble sudden...2 anni fa
2021 Trade Analysis - Another tough year with no real progress. Lost $3701 or -37%. Not sure where I will go in 2022 yet but will come up with a plan soon and elaborate in a...3 anni fa
Earn Monthly Dividends By Solar Powering Schools, Businesses and Communities - Join the Sun Exchange today and start generating and selling clean energy online through a global solar cell leasing platform. All from anywhere on the pl...3 anni fa
Blog Post Title - What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert. Use your...3 anni fa
Jasa Press Release Publikasi Media Online Nasional - Anda sedang membutuhkan jasa press release Indonesia, jasa rilis media nasional, cara diliput media online, jasa publikasi media online indonesia, media ...3 anni fa
Dow Jones Futures 12/9/20 December 9, 2020 - *Stock Market Futures for 12/9/20 December 9, 2020 - Twitter @StocksToBuy* The Dow Jones and Stock Market are soaring after Moderna (MRNA) announced posit...4 anni fa
Forex Trading And COVID-19 - COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on just about every type of financial market in every country around the world. The effects the virus and governmen...4 anni fa
The Friday OT: Itzhak Perlman, Daniel Barenboim and the Berliner Philharmoniker do Beethoven's Concerto for Violin and Orchestra - You can watch it and listen to it here: The *YouTube is here.* Make 47 minutes of your Friday afternoon as good as the 47 minutes I had this morning. Jus...4 anni fa
Peter Schiff: Printing Money Is Not the Cure for Cononavirus Gold is The Cure - Peter Schiff: Printing Money Is Not the Cure for Cononavirus In his most recent podcast, Peter Schiff talked about coronavirus and the impact that it i...5 anni fa
Dow Theory - The Dow Industrials recently made new highs. Yet, the Dow Transports aren't playing in the same sandbox. Never intended as investment advice.5 anni fa
Useful CCTV Software for Mobile Phones - CCTV Software for Mobile Phones CCTV setups are useful as a crime deterrent, and they can also provide owners with peace of mind and the option to check ...5 anni fa
- I come - 10 years ago I decided to to trade TF Russel. Then I switched to CL when I cant 'read' TF when they changed exchange. Then I switched to NQ when CL is like ...6 anni fa
Best Breakout Strategy | Crude Oil, Emini, Nasdaq, Gold & Euro - *Click here to download today’s charts* *"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate ach...6 anni fa
The Weekend Trader (Early Edition) – Changing the Trading Landscape - As we conclude our first three weeks in the Miller-Dayne Trading Network, wrap up much of the trader on-boarding, and settle into a standard cadence, I’m f...6 anni fa
5 Record Breaking Gemstones Even Billionaires Can’t Buy - The world’s largest gemstones are some of the most sought after commodities on earth, with price tags that even billionaires can't afford7 anni fa
10 Ways America Is Falling Behind - / by Shane Savitsky via / 12/31/2017 If 2017 has seemed to you like a long and terrible year filled with bad news, then here’s s...7 anni fa
Bullish Breakouts and Trend Continuity in 2017 - In the heat of battle, it’s often helpful to raise your perspective to higher ground. That’s what we’re doing here with the clear price patterns and breako...7 anni fa
A Quick Hello :) - Hello! After an extended hiatus something hit me over the head the past week and I finally wanted to come out of my cave and talk some stocks. While I've ...7 anni fa
Make peace with not catching every move - - Posted by *hcpg* - on April 7th, 2013 We had two conversations about a particular trading topic on Friday — one was with a long time s...7 anni fa
[VIDEO] Accelerating Interdisciplinary Research Webcast - Calm down! We know how worried you were that you missed the Accelerating Interdisciplinary Research Webinar. If you weren’t able to attend the webinar live...7 anni fa
USDollar index ahead of FED meeting - Greetings traders! 2 scenarios ahead of FED meeting for US dollar index. Trade smart, trade safe!8 anni fa
Get big Muscles with Testosteron improvement - Muskelaufbautraining mit Nahrungsergänzungen wie macht man das richtig? Muskelaufbau ist nicht einfach und schnell, wie es viele Sportler erwarten geht ...8 anni fa
Yves on the Trump Trade - We are at a critical junction in markets, and our favorite guest blogger Yves Lamoureux advises on the change of trend. He has made recent prescient calls ...8 anni fa
Donald Trump won the presidency - Today was a historic day for the United States, with Donald Trump becoming the 45th president of the United States. With almost all of the online president...8 anni fa
Gold Unleashed by Fed - Gold's next major upleg was likely unleashed by a very-dovish FOMC this week, which now has its hands tied on hiking rates or being hawkish due to the US e...8 anni fa
September Update - As with July, trading failed to get my attention in August. I had a couple of trades, trying to force myself to take interest, but inevitably they ended u...8 anni fa
Gold and GDX Are Doing The Complete Opposite. - The market is full of bloggers who write their own forecast. They’ll tell you one thing, and then another. Some will call it early, some will call it lat...8 anni fa
UPDATE - I am working on a few trading projects. I am still trading but right now I do not have the time to mark up all my trades. I will keep posting when I get ...8 anni fa
Gold - Today’s 8.76 percent rally of Gold may conclude the advance of Intermediate-degree wave (A), which started in early-December. The strong rally day should b...8 anni fa
Dibuang Sayang, Manfaatkan Kulit Jeruk Untuk Rumah Anda - Jika Anda langsung membuang kulit jeruk usai mengupasnya, ada baiknya urungkan dulu hal tersebut. Menurut green living expert, Amanda Hearn, dalam laman *...8 anni fa
$SPX Update - Will it or won't it?! - --- Watching this quarterly chart with a great deal of interest.. IF it pans out along the same lines as the last two major crashes next quarter should re...9 anni fa
TimingSPX Calls Oil Bottom - It's been a long while since we've published but here we are again. We took our TimingSPX funds and started an alternative financing company, but now we're...9 anni fa
Musings - Last week, I thought gold and NUGT would rise, and it did, but not impressed with the move, and it looks likely to fail. I am staying away from it this we...9 anni fa
- - new home of my Elliott Wave counts of Gold - This Blog-site is outdated. Please click the following link to my actual blog with Elliott-Wave counts of Gold as well as other instruments: http://singu...9 anni fa
Timeless strategies... - Last June (2014), I made a post stating the following: "This blog still gets a fair number of visitors every month, which is why I leave it up. Even though...10 anni fa
EURUSD to Move Higher until 18-20th Dec'14 - The EURUSD forecast for period 1st Dec - 20th Dec'14 was posted as shown in the chart. It was indciated that EUR was going to bounce after lows between 5t...10 anni fa
It’s All About That Dollar - It sure looks like the weakness in the U.S. Dollar today is giving precious metals and miners a shot at …10 anni fa
NQ - Nasdaq 100 Futures - Weekly - Thank you for reading my blog - SINGER$MARKET. If you would like to see a chart on the blog, feel free to email me at anni fa
Gold Futures - Bullish Bias Is Upon Us - Above is a 4hour chart of gold futures from mid June to the present. As you can see there has been a very accurate cycle pulsating through this market on...10 anni fa
New Blog Site: TradeCharting - *Sunday 4th May 2014* I have finally rolled over to an updated blog site and there has been a slight name change. The new site is called *TradeCharting* a...10 anni fa
S&P 500 Bearish Signal This Week - Trader positioning continued to get more bearish across most equities and commodities, according to the latest Commitments of Traders report released Frida...10 anni fa
1 year Trading2Day 1 year with profitable risk taking - Visit our performance page and see what we did during this one year. 11 out of 12 months were profitable. All trades were Timestamped through our exclusi...11 anni fa
AUDNZD M5, Price Action, failed failed trading range breakout - Just for educational purposes - I was looking for pattern which could be called "failed failed trading range/wedge breakout". You can see many of them qui...11 anni fa
Check Out The New Quantifiable Edges! - Quantifiable Edges has undergone a complete site overhaul! Part of that overhaul included moving the blog. New posts can be found at the address below: h...11 anni fa
Price Relative Scan - The price relative scan for Monday is uploaded here; there are 3 buy candidates listed in column O, with the scores in column P.11 anni fa
The Oil Drum writers: Where are they now? - - Nate Hagens is at The Monkey Trap - JoulesBurn (Brian Maschhoff) is at Picojoule - Euan Mearns is at Energy Matters - Heading Out (Dave...11 anni fa
Trading ideas for the week - You can read my stock reviews for the week featured on the ET website here.11 anni fa
Will Consumer Kill This Rally? - I have been worried about the health of U.S. consumer in the past month. I wonder around in different shopping centers on weekends, gathering my area's ret...11 anni fa
Why Premium Sellers Typically Short Delta - Yesterday I tuned into "Where do I start" @ And during this 15 min segment Tom explained to Case why premium sellers like himself are typic...11 anni fa
UST Bonds selloff boosted the USD. Retracement time now favors Long EURUSD & GOLD and Short USDJPY - Bond markets are the major market mover behind the USD strength in the past 2 weeks after the first article hinting FED’s planning a QE exit. US 10-Y Note...11 anni fa
Watch List 05/22/2013 - Flattish day in the Market but price action on individual stocks remain strong.We are having so much fun in our chat room with $3722 gains for today,after ...11 anni fa
Results - 4.30.2013 Here are my results calculated from June 2009 to now. Courtesy of 2012- 2011- 2010- 2009-11 anni fa
Coiling - The Tech Team is still working on bringing TFMR back online this morning. Their making significant progress and I hope to have the site back online later t...11 anni fa
New Site Location: - Dear RSS readers and anyone else who may not have made the jump... Our posting is now happening at the main site The site is big...11 anni fa
Bank Nifty India - Daily Chart Elliott Wave Count - Given the current BankNifty chart, I believe there is a case for considerable downfall. Have a look: These studies are based on technical analysis an...12 anni fa
Buy Recommendation: Ambarella "AMBA" - It has been more than 6 months since my last post. Honestly, some of my recommendation makes good return and some are not. Today I am going to recommend...12 anni fa
STI 15/11/2012 - STI 15/11/2012 Previous post for STI is here. We got our pullback and after that STI hit downside span and Mark at 2958. Stretch at 2922. Completion of t...12 anni fa
Technical Joke - A man in a hot air balloon realised he was lost. He reduced his altitude and saw a man below. "Excuse me, but can you help me? I promised a friend I would...12 anni fa
Oops! - Somehow I managed to delete all the charts from the blog. I am sure nobody ever looks at it anymore, but I am still trying to get them back.12 anni fa
Marc Faber: Germany Should Have Left The Euro - On Bloomberg: Remember: nothing has been fixed... “If you put one or 100 sick banks in a union, it does not change the fact that they're sick. In my vi...12 anni fa
XOM long term Monthly - Disclaimer: Steelman's Technical Charts are my own amateur interpretations of technical charts and for informational purposes only and should not be constr...12 anni fa
Counter trend dangers - Was sick for a bit, now I'm better. A lot of new traders it seems like going counter trend, I guess the thinking is that they have missed the current move,...12 anni fa
Workshop in Ranchi - I am conducting a workshop in Ranchi on Sunday , 25th March on Futures & Options. I will be free to meet investors between 5-7pm, please ping me.12 anni fa
The Automatic Earth on the move - Purchase our new 2014 set of video downloads at At around 6 PM EST, Sunday, February 5, 2012, The Automatic Earth has moved to its ne...13 anni fa
S&P 500 Constituent Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (COG) Announces Stock Split - Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (COG) announced a 2 for 1 stock split payable January 25, 2012.13 anni fa
TZA short, POT long - Simple bear flag formation. Short on the break of 3rd candle low. I Like red, green, red bar for a short when the low is taken out but instead if it takes ...13 anni fa
Unemployment Report - I know its late in the day to be writing about this, seeing as how it was released a solid 12 hours ago, but hey, its why you come here right? To get my 2 ...13 anni fa
Pigs get slaughtered - " "OINK OINK +oo+" I held 1500 shares of TZA into the close yesterday looking for a possible gap down at open this morning. Well guess what? I got my ...13 anni fa
More on the trading survey - Well... been awhile. Dissertation is coming along - not as speedy as I would like, but progress is being made. Still shooting for next fall. In the meanti...13 anni fa
Blog Posts - If you are not already aware, I now blog using Wordpress. You can find my new blog location at http://1nvestor.wordpress.com13 anni fa
crude oil redux - Two weeks ago I highlighted the New York times headline on crude oil prices. Crude prices have moved up about five dollars a barrel since then. Above thi...14 anni fa
Posting just To feel GOOD - Really, there's nothing good on this trade, except the profit and the patience :) Cleaned up last week losses. Still Having first week red to be taken care...14 anni fa
$USD updates - This short pullback looks very close to done here........and the longer term trend looks to resume back upwards for the *next 6-12 months.* Here is a link ...15 anni fa
Google Wave - Anyone of you fine readers happen to get an invite for Google Wave? I would be forever in your debt should you send me an invite as well :) Thanks!!!15 anni fa
Tips to clean up your swimming pool - You want to swim naturally in a clean swimming pool. The cleaning of a swimming pool may seem like much work, but if you keep up with it, this is a giant. ...19 anni fa
Calciomercato Juventus, colpo da 50 milioni per il bomber: decisivo Thiago Motta - La dirigenza bianconera è già al lavoro per chiudere il primo colpo della sessione estiva di calciomercato, ecco di chi si tratta. La Juventus si prepar...29 minuti fa
Nismo, l’acronimo che trasforma un’elettrica da famiglia in una crossover sportiva - Da elettrica minimalista a sportiva audace: Ariya Nismo è la versione più performante della crossover Nissan. Come è cambiata (e come va) nella nostra prova.1 giorno fa
Finalmente arriva la pace! - Trump ci porta la pace. Evviva la pace! Finalmente non saremo più costretti a leggere tutte quelle drammatiche notizie che tanto hanno scosso la nostra i...2 giorni fa
Santorini Etna e Campi Flegrei tremano - 17/02/2025 - Da quando é iniziata la crisi sismica a Santorini si stanno attivando Etna e Campi Flegrei.Da almeno una settimana il vulcano siciliano st...2 settimane fa
Dopo aver visto il video capirete che la storia della razza umana andrebbe riscritta! - Ecco delle testimonianze documentate riguardanti ritrovamenti incredibili che costringerebbero la riscrittura della storia, quindi dei libri di scuola, s...8 mesi fa
Impianti Fotovoltaici nel 2024: Opportunità di Risparmio e Convenienza - Impianti Fotovoltaici nel 2024: Opportunità di Risparmio e Convenienza Nel 2024, l’energia solare continua a guadagnare terreno come una delle fonti ener...1 anno fa
Si parla molto di lui, ma chi è Francesca, la moglie di Mauro Corona: età, figli, lavoro e dove vivono - Un Legame Duraturo Mauro Corona, l’artista poliedrico noto per le sue opere letterarie e scultoree,...1 anno fa
CROP CIRCLE 2023, Un bellissimo Mandala Solare in stile indù compare in un campo di frumento a Potterne Hill, Wiltshire (UK) - Uno straordinario Crop Circle ha fatto la sua comparsa in un campo di frumento a Potterne Hill, Devizes, nel Wiltshire (UK). Il proprietario del campo ha...1 anno fa
I segni che rivelano l’acidità del corpo e i modi per alcalinizzarlo rapidamente - Un corpo acido è un corpo malsano. Quando il corpo è acido, crea un ambiente indesiderato in cui prosperanomalattie, batteri e lieviti. Per neutralizzare ...5 anni fa
Possibile UFO scoperto in un vecchio muro affrescato in Romania - Un’organizzazione di ricerca sugli UFO in Israele ha inviato un rapporto riguardante un dipinto murale in una chiesa del XIV secolo in Romania che potreb...6 anni fa
Ecco perché gli orsi polari assediano un avamposto militare nucleare russo (VIDEO) - L’invasione degli orsi bianchi affamati in Novaya Zemlya è causata dal riscaldamento globale In Russia, il governo regionale di Archangelsk ha annunciato...6 anni fa
new Moon in Aqua, 1.5 - 1.6.18 - bla bla bla bla blba lb alb alb a bla bla bla bla blba lb alb alb a bla bla bla bla blba lb alb alb abla bla bla bla blba lb alb alb abla bla bla bla blba ...6 anni fa
Fantamorto 2018 - Appena concluso l’anno più macabro di sempre è già il momento di ripartire con il gioco che ha sconvolto il web. Innanzitutto ci congratuliamo con Moto...7 anni fa
The Black Cube: L’Intelligenza Artificiale che domina la Terra - È sin da quando mi trovo nella tana del bianconiglio che cerco di scrostare la patina archetipica da quello che8 anni fa
Torino, trovata morta Gloria Rosboch - È stata ritrovata morta, in un bosco di Rivara, nel Canavese, Gloria Rosboch, l’insegnante di 49 anni scomparsa dallo scorso 13 gennaio dalla sua casa di C...9 anni fa
Anna Safroncik: “Non sono anoressica” - Buoni propositi in controtendenza per Anna Safroncik che pe ril 2016 si augura di prendere qualche curva e qualche chilo in più. L’attrice ha scatenato i ...9 anni fa